Tour 2 : Volcán Negro / tuesdays

The hike to the Volcán Negro takes us upwards through the beautiful, fragrant pine forest of Tenerife. Then we go suddenly off the tracks onto the "black sand" area.

The unique color combination of the black of the sand, the red of the rocks and green of the pines is eye catching, until all at once the breathtaking views to Mount Teide are free – you usually do not see it from this side!

Then we are approaching the black volcano - it looks quite harmless, a gentle, black hill - but this volcano destroyed Garachico in the 17th century.

We rest at one of the numerous water galleries of Tenerife, and if you like, you can taste the cool sweet water. Meanwhile the eye can wander over the sea of clouds in the north. Afterwards we descend through the green pine forests.

category: easy
price: 20 EUR

meeting time: 10:30 am every tuesday, registration necessary!
return time: 4:30 pm

walking time: 3 hours
walking distance: 11 Km
altitude difference: 350m ↑ and 350m ↓